Heart attacks and strokes are very serious health threats. They are two of the top killers in the U.S., with someone having a heart attack every 34 seconds and a stroke every 40 seconds. A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked, often times due to a blood clot. The heart in turn is not getting enough oxygen and the heart muscle begins to die. A stroke occurs when blood flow in interrupted to a part of the brain. Without blood to supply oxygen to the brain, brain cells quickly begin to die. Brain cells begin to die almost immediately.
Symptoms of a heart attack include: nausea or light-headedness; shortness of breath or chest pain; pain in the back, neck, arms, jaw, stomach; or just breaking out in a cold sweat.
Symptoms of a stroke include: sudden or severe headache; difficulty seeing or blurred vision in one or both eyes; facial drooping or drooling; slurred or difficult speech; weakness or numbness on one side of the body; or dizziness or loss of balance.
If any of the above symptoms concern you, this needs to be brought to the attention of your physician. Remember that you can always call 911 for immediate help. Stay well, eat good food, laugh a lot and take a walk. Exercise is a good way to keep mentally, spiritually and physically healthy!